David Trubridge
About David Trubridge
- We do not subscribe to any product certification because there are too many and none are universally recognised, which is very confusing for the consumer. We prefer to be open and honest about what we are proud of and what we need to improve.
The company aims to create an enjoyable, flexible and happy workplace which incorporates individual lifestyles and respects family time.
All our bamboo plywood is a secondary product - it comes from a forest in China primarily grown as a food source for bamboo shoots. We have visited the forest and factory and are satisfied with their systems. Bamboo is good because it is a resource that is being fully renewed, but the plywood does require a lot of machining and gluing, and it has to be freighted some distance. All glues used are rated E0, which means they contain no formaldehyde.
Timber plywood is the least wasteful form of conversion of timber because the round log is peeled with knives -- there is no sawdust and no half rounds off the edge -- but it still requires quite a lot of gluing.
All our timber comes from sustainably managed plantations either in Australia, NZ or USA -- we use no rainforest timber.
All pieces are designed to use the minimum amount of material for the maximum amount of effect.
Wood and bamboo are left natural and untreated where possible.
Where used, oil finishes are organic non-toxic, natural oils with no harmful solvents, and paint finishes are water based.
We are developing a PLA plastic (made from plant matter mixed with NZ flax fibres) to replace the oil-based polycarbonate we currently, reluctantly use.
All the electricity we use is 100% renewable, mostly hydro-electric with some wind and geothermal, purchased from Meridian.
Where light sources are installed we always use low energy, long lasting LED, and recommend LED or CFL bulbs for all other lights.
All our popular designs are kitset for easy and low energy freighting - a kitset takes up an average of 1/40th of the volume of the assembled light.
All packaging is 100% recycled and fully recyclable cardboard.
All designs are classic and intended to last, not to date quickly.
We do not produce new designs to make older ones look out of date.
All assembled pieces are made to the highest craft standards for maximum longevity.
All manufacturing is in New Zealand as we take full responsibility for the effects of this activity -- we do not pass on the problems to another cheaper country.
All waste from the factory is sorted and sent to separate recycling facilities at our expense; sawdust is incinerated at a local plant to generate electricity; we compost our own food waste. On average our entire landfill waste per week would fill a domestic 'wheelie bin'.
In September 2011 we moved into new, custom built premises. Within a tight budget we made it as green as we could: it is the first large, timber framed building in Hawkes Bay. The benchroom is fully insulated with piped underfloor heating.
My ideas come from wild places,
edges of turbulence and renewal,
where seas break on beaches and headlands,
where land and air meet on mountain ridges.
I make forms of elemental simplicity,
as the erosion of air and water on wood and stone,
forms that speak of humanity's survival on earth,
of life's fragility and dependence,
of comfort in the ways of the past that have succoured us,
and optimism for a sustainable and enriching future.
I work within the limits of what I have and know,
simplicity and low impact,
natural materials and processes,
leaving a delicate footprint."
- David Trubridge